[ SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 ]

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Software packages installed or updated

WARNING: This is a listing of essentially all managed software packages installed on our systems. Be aware that your membership tier may not grant you access to all of these packages. Use the 'software' command at the shell to get a specific listing for your membership.

Oct 21 03:00pkg-vulnerabilities
Oct 16 16:54py311-setproctitle-1.3.3Python module to customize the process title
Oct 16 16:54py311-xdg-0.28Python library for XDG
Oct 16 16:54py311-urwid-2.6.14Curses-based Python user interface library
Oct 16 16:54py311-tzlocal-5.2nb1Python tzinfo object for the local timezone
Oct 16 16:54py311-icalendar-5.0.12Python parser/generator for iCalendar files, as per RFC2445
Oct 16 16:54py311-configobj-5.0.8nb1Config file reading, writing and validation
Oct 16 16:54py311-click-log-0.4.0Logging integration for Click
Oct 16 16:54py311-atomicwrites-1.4.1nb1Python module for atomic file writes on POSIX
Oct 16 16:54khal-0.11.3CLI calendar application built around CalDAV
Oct 16 16:53py311-wcwidth-0.2.13nb1Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
Oct 16 16:53py311-typing-extensions-4.12.2Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
Oct 16 16:53py311-pytz-2024.1World timezone definitions, modern and historical
Oct 16 16:53py311-dateutil- to the standard datetime module
Oct 16 16:53py311-six-1.16.0nb1Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
Oct 16 16:53py311-click-8.1.7Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
Oct 16 16:52python312-3.12.7Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Oct 16 16:44lua51-5.1.5nb3Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.1)
Oct 16 16:44libxlsxwriter-1.1.7C library for creating Microsoft Excel files
Oct 16 16:44libzip-1.10.1nb4C library to manipulate zip archives
Oct 16 16:44libxls-1.6.2Extract cell data from legacy Microsoft Excel files
Oct 16 16:44sc-im-0.8.3nb5Curses-based spreadsheet program based on sc
Oct 16 16:43minizip-1.3.1Zip file manipulation library from the zlib distribution
Oct 16 16:30rexx-regina-3.9.5Implementation of the REXX language
Oct 16 16:28cssc-1.4.1GNU workalike for the source code control system SCCS
Oct 16 16:25cscope-15.9Interactive C program browser
Oct 9 14:42bitchx-1.2.1nb7IRC client based on ircII
Oct 7 19:33emacs29-nox11-29.4GNU editing macros (editor)
Oct 7 17:29lrzsz-0.12.20nb1Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
Oct 7 14:31glew-2.2.0nb2OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
Oct 7 14:31SDL2-2.30.5Simple DirectMedia Layer - cross-platform multimedia library
Oct 7 14:31bzflag-2.4.22nb18OpenGL tank game
Oct 7 14:18glu-9.0.3OpenGL Utility Library
Oct 7 14:16libsamplerate-0.2.2nb4Sample rate converter library
Oct 7 14:16libxkbcommon-1.7.0nb2Library to handle keyboard descriptions
Oct 7 14:16libXinerama-1.1.5X PanoramiX extension library
Oct 7 14:16libXi-1.8.1X Input extension library
Oct 7 14:16libXcursor-1.2.2Client-side cursor loading library for X
Oct 7 14:16libXScrnSaver-1.2.4X11 Screen Saver Library
Oct 7 14:16MesaLib-21.3.9nb4Open source OpenGL implementation
Oct 7 14:12libsndfile-1.2.2nb1Library for reading and writing audio files
Oct 7 14:11libopus-1.5.2Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec library
Oct 7 14:11flac-1.4.3Free lossless audio codec
Oct 7 06:07xkeyboard-config-2.41X Keyboard Configuration Database
Oct 7 06:06xkbcomp-1.4.7XKBD keymap compiler
Oct 7 06:04libXxf86vm-1.1.5Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
Oct 7 06:04libXrandr-1.5.4X RandR Library from X.org
Oct 7 06:04libXdamage-1.1.6Xdamage extension (Library)
Oct 7 06:04libvdpau-1.4nb1Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
Oct 7 06:04libLLVM-13.0.1nb4Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
Oct 7 05:26libXfixes-6.0.1Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular X.org
Oct 6 15:37meson-1.5.0Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly
Oct 6 15:35py39-markupsafe-2.1.5Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings
Oct 6 15:35py39-mako-1.3.5Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
Sep 27 18:32libpsl-0.21.5Library to handle the Public Suffix List
Sep 27 18:32wget-1.24.5nb2Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
Sep 27 18:32openssl-3.3.1Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
Sep 27 18:32libidn2-2.3.4Convert internationalized domain names to/from ASCII Encoding
Sep 15 00:26aalib- Art library
Sep 15 00:18sl-5.02nb3Animated SL that runs across the terminal when you type `sl'
Sep 15 00:13moon-buggy-1.0.51nb1Game on the Moon
Sep 8 19:52opendkim-2.10.3nb12Open source DKIM library, MTA filter implementation and tools
Sep 8 19:52perl-5.38.2Practical Extraction and Report Language
Aug 30 09:07p5-IPC-Run-20231003.0Perl module for interacting with child processes
Aug 30 09:07moreutils-0.69Additional Unix utilities
Aug 30 09:06p5-IO-tty-1.18Another Perl class for I/O on tty and pseudo-tty devices
Aug 23 14:07bind-9.18.28Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.18
Aug 13 13:43profanity-0.14.0nb7Console based XMPP client inspired by irssi
Aug 13 13:39glib2-tools-2.80.4GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
Aug 13 04:12icu-75.1Robust and full-featured Unicode services
Aug 13 04:12php-8.1.29PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.1
Aug 13 04:12php81-intl-8.1.29nb12PHP extension for i18n
Aug 13 02:52libstrophe-0.12.3XMPP library for C
Aug 9 13:49mawk- clone by Mike Brennan
Jul 26 23:24bat-0.24.0nb2Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
Jul 26 23:18libxml2-2.10.4nb4XML parser library from the GNOME project
Jul 26 23:18zlib-1.2.13General purpose data compression library
Jul 26 23:18zstd-1.5.2Fast real-time compression algorithm
Jul 26 23:17llvm-17.0.6nb1Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
Jul 26 22:49mosh-1.4.0nb4Remote terminal application which allows roaming
Jul 26 06:08python311-3.11.9nb1Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Jul 26 06:06rhash-1.4.4nb2Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
Jul 26 06:06cmake-3.30.1Cross platform make
Jul 26 06:06hicolor-icon-theme-0.17nb1Standard icon theme called hicolor
Jul 26 06:02lua54-5.4.6nb1Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
Jul 26 05:58ruby32-asciidoctor-2.0.23Convert AsciiDoc to HTML and more
Jul 26 05:58gnutls-3.8.6Transport Layer Security library
Jul 26 05:58weechat-4.2.2nb2Lightweight and user friendly curses based IRC client
Jul 26 05:55mozilla-rootcerts-1.0.20240702Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
Jul 26 05:27pkgconf-2.2.0nb1API-driven pkg-config replacement
Jul 26 04:20mktools-20220614Collection of pkgsrc mk infrastructure tools
Jul 25 13:04libssh2-1.11.0nb2SSH2 protocol library
Jul 25 13:04nmap-7.95Network/port scanner with OS detection
Jul 25 13:04libpcap-1.10.3System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
Jul 25 13:04pcre-8.45Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
Jul 25 12:26protobuf-27.2Google protocol buffers
Jul 25 12:23abseil-20240116.2nb1C++ Common Libraries
Jul 24 21:17mozilla-rootcerts-openssl-2.16Wedge for installing and managing mozilla-rootcerts
Jul 24 03:15heimdal-7.8.0nb8Kerberos 5 implementation
Jul 24 03:15alpine-2.26nb3Program for Internet News and E-mail
Jul 24 01:55py310-brotlicffi- CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
Jul 24 01:55py310-brotli-1.1.0Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm (Python module)
Jul 24 01:55py310-Socks-1.7.1nb1Python SOCKS client module
Jul 24 01:55py310-idna-3.7Python module for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
Jul 24 01:55py310-setuptools-70.0.0New Python packaging system
Jul 24 01:55py310-charset-normalizer-3.3.2Universal Charset Detector
Jul 24 01:55py310-certifi-2024.6.2Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
Jul 24 01:55py310-pytz-2024.1World timezone definitions, modern and historical
Jul 24 01:55py310-OpenSSL-24.1.0Python interface to the OpenSSL library
Jul 24 01:55py310-josepy-1.14.0JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography
Jul 24 01:55py310-cryptography-42.0.8Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
Jul 24 01:55py310-cffi-1.16.0nb1Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
Jul 24 01:55py310-cparser-2.22nb1C parser in Python
Jul 24 01:55python310-3.10.14nb1Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Jul 24 01:53py39-typing-extensions-4.12.2Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
Jul 24 01:52sendmail-8.18.1nb3The well known Mail Transport Agent
Jul 24 01:35py39-poetry-core-1.9.0Poetry PEP 517 build backend
Jul 24 01:34py39-setuptools-69.5.1New Python packaging system
Jul 24 01:34py39-wheel-0.43.0Built-package format for Python
Jul 24 01:34py39-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0nb1Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks
Jul 24 01:34py39-packaging-24.0Core utilities for Python packages
Jul 24 01:34py39-build-1.2.1Simple, correct PEP517 package builder
Jul 24 01:34py39-tomli-2.0.1nb1Lil' TOML parser
Jul 24 01:34py39-pyparsing-3.1.2Parsing module for Python
Jul 24 01:34py39-installer-0.7.0nb1Library for installing Python wheels
Jul 24 01:34python39-3.9.19nb1Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Jul 24 01:34py39-flit_core-3.9.0nb1Distribution-building parts of Flit
Jul 24 01:23libfido2-1.14.0nb1U2F/FIDO/FIDO2 library and tools
Jul 24 01:23openssh-9.8p1nb1Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
Jul 24 01:15ruby32-base-3.2.4Ruby 3.2.4 release minimum base package
Jul 24 01:15ruby32-manpages-0.6.1nb2Adds support for man pages to rubygems
Jul 24 01:15db4-4.8.30nb1Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
Jul 24 01:15expat-2.5.0XML parser library written in C
Jul 24 01:15libuuid-2.32.1nb1Generate unique identifiers for objects
Jul 24 01:15libffi-3.4.2nb3Foreign function interface
Jul 24 01:15gettext-lib-0.22nb1Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
Jul 24 01:15sqlite3-3.44.2SQL Database Engine in a C Library
Jul 24 01:15xz-5.4.1General-purpose data compression software
Jul 24 01:15bzip2-1.0.8Block-sorting file compressor
Jul 24 01:15lld-17.0.6The LLVM Linker
Jul 24 01:15bash-5.1.16The GNU Bourne Again Shell
Jul 24 01:14libyaml-0.2.5YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
Jul 24 01:14libiconv-1.17Character set conversion library
Jul 24 01:14libgcrypt-1.10.1GNU cryptographic library
Jul 24 01:14curl-8.8.0nb1Client that groks URLs
Jul 24 01:14coreutils-9.1GNU basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities
Jul 24 01:14ninja-build-1.11.1Small build system with a focus on speed
Jul 24 01:14glib2-2.78.1nb1Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
Jul 24 01:14tcp_wrappers-7.6.4Monitor and filter incoming requests for network services
Jul 24 01:14cyrus-sasl-2.1.28nb1Simple Authentication and Security Layer
Jul 24 01:14ncurses-6.5CRT screen handling and optimization package
Jul 24 01:14libexecinfo-1.1nb1BSD Licensed clone of backtrace facility found in GNU libc
Jul 24 01:14editline-3.1.20210419nb1NetBSD Editline library (libedit) for generic line editing
Jul 24 01:14git-base-2.42.0GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
Jul 24 01:14libcares-1.27.0Asynchronous resolver library, c-ares
Jul 24 01:14libcbor-0.10.2Parsing and generate schema-less binary data format
Jul 24 01:14libuv-1.44.2Cross-platform asychronous I/O
Jul 24 01:14nghttp2-1.58.0nb1Implementation of HTTP/2 in C
Jul 24 01:14readline-8.2nb2GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
Jul 24 01:14libunwind-17.0.6LLVM libunwind
Jul 24 01:14libarchive-3.4.3Library to read/create different archive formats
Jul 24 01:14pkg_install-20211115Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
Jul 24 01:14libXt-1.3.0X Toolkit Intrinsics library
Jul 24 01:14libXaw-1.0.16X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11
Jul 24 01:14mkfontscale-1.2.2nb2X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
Jul 24 01:14encodings-1.0.7X11 Font Index Generator
Jul 24 01:14openpam-20190224nb4Open-source PAM library
Jul 24 01:14gpgme-1.20.0GnuPG Made Easy
Jul 24 01:14libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3Signal Protocol C Library
Jul 24 01:14libotr-4.1.1Library for Off-The-Record encrypted messaging
Jul 24 01:14gnupg2-2.4.1GnuPG with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
Jul 20 12:21go-hugo-0.125.0nb3Fast & Modern Static Website Engine
Jul 20 12:10go121-1.21.10The Go programming language
Jul 20 12:05go118-1.18.10nb1The Go programming language
Jul 20 11:59go14-1.4.3nb15The Go programming language
Jul 18 13:47gmp-6.3.0Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
Jul 18 13:47libunistring-1.1Unicode string library
Jul 18 13:47p11-kit-0.24.1PKCS#11 module manager
Jul 18 13:47nettle-3.8.1Cryptographic library
Jul 18 13:47libtasn1-4.19.0ASN.1 structure parser library
Jul 18 13:47libcfg+-0.7.0Command line and configuration file parsing library
Jul 16 02:44cJSON-1.7.18Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
Jul 15 21:39http-parser-2.9.4Parser for HTTP messages written in C
Jul 15 21:39pcre2-10.40Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library (major version 2)
Jul 15 21:39jpeg-9eIJG's jpeg compression utilities
Jul 15 21:39tiff-4.6.0nb3Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
Jul 15 21:39openjpeg-2.5.2JPEG 2000 library
Jul 15 21:39libwebp-1.2.4nb1WebP image format library and tools
Jul 15 21:39libimagequant-4.3.1High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color
Jul 15 21:39lcms2-2.14nb1Little Color Management System - a color management library
Jul 15 21:39freetype2-2.13.2nb1Font rendering engine and library API
Jul 15 21:39libpaper-2.1.0nb2Paper size handling library
Jul 15 21:39ghostscript-9.05nb31Meta-package for installing the preferred ghostscript version
Jul 15 21:39netpbm-10.86.34nb4Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
Jul 15 21:39urw-fonts-2.0nb1Standard postscript fonts (cyrillicized)
Jul 15 12:07racket-minimal-8.11.1Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
Jul 1 01:51bzip3-1.3.2Successor to BZip2
Jun 25 16:45bdftopcf-1.1.1BDF to PCF font converter for X11
Jun 25 16:36libfetch-2.40Library to access HTTP/FTP server
Jun 25 16:34libXpm-3.5.16X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11
Jun 25 16:34libXmu-1.1.4X Miscellaneous Utilities library
Jun 25 16:34libXext-1.3.5X Extension library
Jun 25 16:34libX11-1.8.4Base X libraries from modular Xorg X11
Jun 25 16:34libSM-1.2.4X Session Management Library
Jun 25 16:34libICE-1.1.1Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X
Jun 25 03:50tcl-8.6.12nb5Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
Jun 18 14:16snarf-7.0Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
Jun 10 16:38mpfi-1.5.4Multiprecision interval arithmetic library
Jun 10 15:25tex-texlive-scripts-2024.70742TeX Live infrastructure programs
Jun 10 15:25tex-amsfonts-3.04nb1TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
Jun 10 15:25luatex-1.18.0Extended version of pdfTeX using Lua
Jun 10 15:25tex-texlive.infra-2023nb1Basic TeX Live infrastructure
Jun 10 15:16cairo-1.18.0nb2Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
Jun 10 15:16harfbuzz-8.3.0OpenType text shaping engine
Jun 10 15:16zziplib-0.13.72nb3Library for ZIP archive handling
Jun 10 14:22fontconfig-2.15.0Library for configuring and customizing font access
Jun 10 14:22libxcb-1.17.0X protocol C-language Binding
Jun 10 13:58xcb-proto-1.17.0XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
Jun 6 14:16png-1.6.37nb1Library for manipulating PNG images
Jun 6 01:27p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.73nb1Perl object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
Jun 6 01:27libcerf-1.13Library providing efficient and accurate complex error functions
Jun 6 01:27pango-1.50.12Library for layout and rendering of text
May 13 16:25drawterm-20231223Utility to connect to Plan9 CPU servers
Apr 17 2024duktape-2.7.0Embeddable Javascript engine
Apr 13 2024go122-1.22.0The Go programming language
Apr 4 2024awhois-1.61All-encompassing whois client wrapper
Mar 24 2024pwgen-2.08Generate pronounceable passwords
Mar 12 2024graphite2-1.3.14nb3Cross-platform rendering for complex writing systems
Mar 11 2024p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4nb19Perl5 module to convert binary octets into ASCII armour
Mar 11 2024p5-Class-Loader-2.03nb15Perl5 module for module loading and on-demand object creation
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.08nb2Perl5 module of the RIPEMD160 hash function
Mar 11 2024p5-File-Which-1.27nb2Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
Mar 11 2024p5-Convert-PEM-0.08nb13Perl5 module to read/write ASN.1-encoded PEM files
Mar 11 2024p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13nb15Perl5 module for SHA1
Mar 11 2024p5-Data-Buffer-0.04nb17Perl5 module for low-level binary buffer
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-DSA-1.17nb12Perl5 module for the DSA public key algorithm
Mar 11 2024p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04nb9Perl base class for error handling
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01nb18Perl5 module for Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
Mar 11 2024p5-Convert-ASN1-0.34Perl5 module to encode/decode ASN.1 data
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-DES-2.07nb10XS-based DES implementation for Perl
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04nb15The CAST5 block cipher, implemented in pure Perl
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14nb10Perl5 Blowfish implementation
Mar 11 2024p5-CryptX-0.080Crypto toolkit (self-contained no external libraries needed)
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520nb3PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
Mar 11 2024p5-Math-Int128-0.22nb5Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
Mar 11 2024p5-Crypt-CBC-3.04nb2Perl5 cipher block chaining mode for various crypto algorithms
Mar 11 2024p5-Digest-SHA3-1.05nb1Perl5 module for SHA-3
Mar 11 2024p5-namespace-autoclean-0.29nb4Keep imports out of your namespace
Mar 11 2024p5-Type-Tiny-2.004000nb1Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
Mar 11 2024p5-Moo-2.005005nb1Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity)
Mar 11 2024p5-namespace-clean-0.27nb7Perl module to keep imports and functions out of your namespace
Mar 11 2024p5-Package-Stash-0.40nb1Perl 5 module providing routines for manipulating stashes
Mar 11 2024p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.26nb1Perl 5 module to execute code after a scope finished compilation
Mar 11 2024p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.30nb1Perl 5 module providing a better correct Package::Stash implementation
Mar 11 2024p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11nb9Perl 5 module to declare version conflicts for your dist
Mar 11 2024p5-Test-Fatal-0.017Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
Mar 11 2024p5-Module-Implementation-0.09nb9Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations
Mar 11 2024p5-Variable-Magic-0.63nb1Perl 5 module to associate user-defined magic to variables
Mar 11 2024p5-Sub-Quote-2.006008nb1Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
Mar 11 2024p5-Import-Into-1.002005nb8Perl5 module to import packages into other packages
Mar 11 2024p5-strictures-2.000006nb5Perl 5 pragma to turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
Mar 11 2024p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004nb3Roles. Like a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose
Mar 11 2024p5-Module-Runtime-0.016nb6Deal with runtime handling of Perl modules
Mar 11 2024p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14nb7Perl 5 package exposing the flag which marks global destruction
Mar 11 2024p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.15nb1Perl module providing Moose-like method modifiers
Mar 11 2024p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013nb7Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
Mar 11 2024p5-Sub-Exporter-0.991Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
Mar 11 2024p5-Data-OptList-0.114nb1Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
Mar 11 2024p5-Sub-Install-0.929nb1Install subroutines into packages easily
Mar 11 2024p5-Params-Util-1.102nb1Simple standalone param-checking functions
Mar 11 2024p5-Math-Int64-0.57Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
Mar 11 2024p5-Term-ReadKey-2.38nb5Change terminal modes and perform non-blocking reads
Mar 11 2024p5-YAML-LibYAML-0.89Perl XS binding to libyaml
Mar 11 2024p5-SUPER-1.20190531nb4Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch
Mar 11 2024p5-Archive-Zip-1.68nb3Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
Mar 11 2024p5-Sub-Identify-0.14nb7Perl 5 module to retrieve names of code references
Mar 11 2024p5-Module-Build-0.42340nb1Build and install Perl modules
Mar 11 2024unzip-6.0nb9List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
Mar 6 2024nethack-x11-3.6.7nb3The X11 and tty/curses version of NetHack
Mar 6 2024nethack-tty-3.6.7nb3The tty and curses based version of NetHack
Mar 6 2024nethack-all-3.6.7nb3Meta-package for NetHack with x11 and tty versions
Mar 6 2024libfontenc-1.1.7Library for handling fonts with different character set encodings
Mar 6 2024nethack-lib-3.6.7nb3Data files for Nethack
Feb 29 2024gcc10-10.5.0The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
Feb 4 2024catgirl-2.1TLS-only terminal IRC client
Feb 4 2024lynx- display oriented World-Wide Web Client
Feb 4 2024neomutt-20230407Fork of mutt with integrated community patches
Feb 4 2024kakoune-2020.01.16Experimental modal code editor
Jan 25 2024libtermkey-0.22Library to process keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
Jan 25 2024lua54-lpeg-1.1.0Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) library for Lua
Jan 25 2024vis-editor-0.8Vim like text editor
Jan 25 2024unibilium-2.1.1nb1Basic terminfo library
Jan 18 2024libotf-0.9.16nb4Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
Jan 18 2024gcc13-libjit-13.2.0GNU Compiler Collection 13 (gcclibjit library)
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-yaml-0.5.0nb1YAML grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-typescript-0.20.3TypeScript grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-tsx-0.20.2TSX grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-toml-0.5.1nb1TOML grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-rust-0.20.4Rust grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-ruby-0.19.0nb1Ruby grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-python-0.20.4Python grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-json-0.20.1JSON grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-java-0.20.2Java grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-html-0.19.0nb1HTML grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-heex-0.6.0HEEx grammer for Tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-go-mod-1.0.0go.mod grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-go-0.20.0Go grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-elixir-0.1.1Elixir grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-dockerfile-0.1.2nb1Dockerfile grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-css-0.20.0CSS grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-cpp-0.20.3C++ grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-cmake-0.4.1CMake grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-c-sharp-0.20.0C# grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-c-0.20.5C grammar for tree-sitter
Jan 18 2024tree-sitter-bash-0.20.2Bash grammar for tree-sitter
Dec 25 2023dopewars-1.6.2nb7Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets of New York
Dec 18 2023password-store-1.7.4Standard UNIX password manager
Dec 18 2023p5-Authen-SASL-2.16nb11Perl module to handle SASL authentication
Dec 18 2023p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04nb6Perl5 module providing SSL support for Net::SMTP
Dec 18 2023p5-MailTools-2.21nb3Perl5 modules related to mail applications
Dec 18 2023p5-Email-Valid-1.203Perl5 module for testing validity of an email address
Dec 18 2023p5-Error-0.17029nb3Perl extension module for try/throw/catch exception handling
Dec 15 2023ripgrep-13.0.0Line-oriented search tool
Dec 5 2023milter-greylist-4.6.4nb4Easy-to-use greylist milter for Sendmail and Postfix
Dec 5 2023libspf2-1.2.11Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
Dec 4 2023eza-0.13.0Modern, maintained replacement for ls
Nov 27 2023f2c-20100903nb1Fortran to C compiler including a script to emulate f77
Nov 26 2023hs-wizards-1.0.3nb5High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces
Nov 26 2023hs-utility-ht-0.0.16nb5Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions
Nov 26 2023hs-shakespeare-2.0.30nb1Toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
Nov 26 2023hs-math-functions- of tools for numeric computations
Nov 26 2023hs-lucid-2.11.1nb1Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML
Nov 26 2023hledger-lib-1.28nb1Plain-text accounting tool
Nov 26 2023hs-githash- git revision info into Haskell projects
Nov 26 2023hs-Diff-0.4.1nb3O(ND) diff algorithm in Haskell
Nov 26 2023hledger-1.28nb1Plain-text accounting tool
Nov 26 2023hs-control-monad-free-0.6.2nb5Free monads and monad transformers
Nov 26 2023hs-temporary-1.3nb5Portable temporary file and directory support
Nov 26 2023hs-random- number library
Nov 26 2023ghc-9.4.4nb3Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.4 Release Series
Nov 26 2023hs-split- library for splitting lists
Nov 26 2023hs-th-lift-0.8.2nb5Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes
Nov 26 2023hs-th-abstraction- interface for reified information about data types
Nov 26 2023hs-blaze-html- fast HTML combinator library for Haskell
Nov 26 2023hs-blaze-markup- fast markup combinator library for Haskell
Nov 26 2023hs-blaze-builder- buffered output
Nov 26 2023hs-mmorph-1.2.0nb3Monad morphisms
Nov 26 2023hs-uglymemo- (but internally ugly) memoization function
Nov 26 2023hs-timeit-2.0nb5Time monadic computations with an IO base
Nov 26 2023hs-tasty-hunit- support for the Tasty test framework
Nov 26 2023hs-tabular- data tables with rendering functions
Nov 26 2023hs-regex-tdfa-1.3.2nb1Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
Nov 26 2023hs-pretty-simple- printer for data types with a 'Show' instance
Nov 26 2023hs-microlens-th- generation of record lenses for microlens
Nov 26 2023hs-hashtables-1.3.1nb1Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
Nov 26 2023hs-extra-1.7.12nb1Extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries
Nov 26 2023hs-Decimal-0.5.2nb5Decimal arithmetic for financial applications
Nov 26 2023hs-cassava-megaparsec-2.0.4nb4Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava
Nov 26 2023hs-utf8-string-1.0.2nb5Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
Nov 26 2023hs-tasty-1.4.3nb1Modern and extensible testing framework
Nov 26 2023hs-call-stack-0.4.0nb3Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way
Nov 26 2023hs-unbounded-delays- thread delays and timeouts
Nov 26 2023hs-html- combinator library
Nov 26 2023hs-csv-0.1.2nb5CSV loader and dumper
Nov 26 2023hs-regex-base- Haskell Text.Regex
Nov 26 2023hs-optparse-applicative- and combinators for parsing command line options
Nov 26 2023hs-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3nb4ANSI terminal backend for the "prettyprinter" package
Nov 26 2023hs-ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9nb6Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output
Nov 26 2023hs-prettyprinter-1.7.1nb3Modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer
Nov 26 2023hs-microlens- lens library with no dependencies
Nov 26 2023hs-Glob-0.10.2nb3Globbing library
Nov 26 2023hs-transformers-compat-0.7.2nb1Small compatibility shim exposing the new types
Nov 26 2023hs-dlist-1.0nb5Difference lists
Nov 26 2023hs-file-embed- Template Haskell to embed file contents directly
Nov 26 2023hs-doclayout-0.4nb1Prettyprinting library for laying out text documents
Nov 26 2023hs-safe-0.3.19nb5Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
Nov 26 2023hs-emojis-0.1.2nb3Conversion between emoji characters and their names
Nov 26 2023hs-megaparsec-9.3.0nb1Monadic parser combinators
Nov 26 2023hs-cassava- parsing and encoding library
Nov 26 2023hs-parser-combinators-1.3.0nb5Commonly useful parser combinators
Nov 26 2023hs-case-insensitive- insensitive string comparison
Nov 26 2023hs-hashable- for types that can be converted to a hash value
Nov 26 2023hs-Only-0.1nb6The 1-tuple type or single-value collection
Nov 26 2023hs-aeson-pretty-0.8.9nb4JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool
Nov 26 2023hs-cmdargs-0.10.21nb5Command line argument processing
Nov 26 2023hs-vector- Arrays for Haskell
Nov 26 2023hs-unordered-containers- hashing-based container types
Nov 26 2023hs-base-compat-0.12.2nb1Compatibility layer for base
Nov 26 2023hs-scientific- represented using scientific notation
Nov 26 2023hs-attoparsec-0.14.4nb3Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
Nov 26 2023hs-aeson- JSON parsing and encoding
Nov 26 2023hs-th-compat-0.1.4nb1Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types
Nov 26 2023hs-clock-0.8.3nb2High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime
Nov 26 2023hs-data-default- for types with a default value
Nov 26 2023hs-data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1nb5Default instances for types in old-locale
Nov 26 2023hs-old-locale- library
Nov 26 2023hs-data-default-class- for types with a default value
Nov 26 2023hs-data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1nb9Default instances for types in dlist
Nov 26 2023hs-data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1nb5Default instances for types in containers
Nov 26 2023hs-ansi-terminal-0.11.4nb1Simple ANSI terminal support for Haskell
Nov 26 2023hs-colour-2.3.6nb3Model for human colour/color perception
Nov 26 2023hs-witherable-0.4.2nb4Filterable traversable
Nov 26 2023hs-indexed-traversable-instances- instances of type classes from indexed-traversable
Nov 26 2023hs-indexed-traversable-0.1.2nb3FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
Nov 26 2023hs-base-orphans-0.8.7nb1Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
Nov 26 2023hs-uuid-types-1.0.5nb3Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers
Nov 26 2023hs-time-compat- package for time
Nov 26 2023hs-semigroups-0.20nb2Anything that associates
Nov 26 2023hs-text-short-0.1.5nb3Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings
Nov 26 2023hs-strict- data types and String IO
Nov 26 2023hs-these- data type
Nov 26 2023hs-assoc-1.0.2nb5Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors
Nov 26 2023hs-semialign- and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor
Nov 26 2023hs-semigroupoids-5.3.7nb3Semigroupoids: Category sans id
Nov 26 2023hs-contravariant-1.5.5nb3Contravariant functors
Nov 26 2023hs-StateVar-1.2.2nb3Abstraction over state variables
Nov 26 2023hs-tagged- 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
Nov 26 2023hs-distributive- 98 Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
Nov 26 2023hs-comonad-5.0.8nb5Comonads, dual of Monads
Nov 26 2023hs-bifunctors-5.5.14nb1Bifunctors
Nov 26 2023hs-vector-stream- Streams for Haskell
Nov 26 2023hs-primitive- memory-related operations
Nov 26 2023hs-OneTuple-0.3.1nb3Singleton Tuple
Nov 26 2023hs-QuickCheck-2.14.2nb5Random testing of program properties
Nov 26 2023hs-splitmix- Splittable PRNG
Nov 26 2023hs-generically-0.1nb1Compatibility layer for Generically and Generically1
Nov 26 2023hs-data-fix-0.3.2nb3Fixpoint data types
Nov 26 2023hs-generic-deriving-1.14.2nb1Generic programming library for generalised deriving
Nov 26 2023hs-fail- MonadFail class
Nov 26 2023hs-base-compat-batteries-0.12.2nb1Base library compatibility without cpp
Nov 26 2023hs-integer-logarithms- logarithms
Nov 26 2023hs-data-array-byte- layer for Data.Array.Byte
Nov 15 2023gnuchess-6.2.9GNU chess engine
Nov 1 2023top-3.6.1nb1The ubiquitous system monitoring utility
Oct 31 2023mcabber-1.1.2nb1Small XMPP (Jabber) console client
Oct 22 2023dos2unix-7.5.1DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
Oct 19 2023libxslt-1.1.38nb1XSLT parser library
Oct 19 2023xmlstarlet-1.6.1nb7Command line utilities for XML manipulation
Oct 6 2023multitail-4.0.6nb5View one or multiple files
Sep 29 2023watch-3.2.6nb4Watch a program with update intervals
Sep 27 2023gearmand- C Server and Library
Sep 27 2023php81-gearman-2.1.0nb8PHP extension for Gearman
Sep 21 2023prosody-0.12.2nb1Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua
Sep 21 2023loudmouth-1.5.4nb2Lightweight Jabber client library
Sep 21 2023hunspell-1.7.2nb2Improved spellchecker
Sep 21 2023hunspell-en_US-20060207US American English dictionaries for hunspell
Sep 21 2023unittest-cpp-2.0.0Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
Sep 19 2023libgetopt-1.4.6Library for handling --long options
Sep 19 2023boost-libs-1.83.0Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries)
Sep 19 2023znc-1.8.2nb18Advanced IRC bouncer with IPv6 and SSL support
Sep 18 2023gsed-4.8nb2GNU implementation of sed, the POSIX stream editor
Sep 18 2023lockf-1FreeBSD's lockf
Sep 18 2023gcc8-libs-8.5.0nb1The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
Sep 18 2023ngtcp2-0.13.1Implements RFC9000 QUIC protocol
Sep 18 2023brotli-1.0.9Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
Sep 18 2023libevent-2.1.12Asynchronous event notification library
Sep 18 2023boost-headers-1.83.0Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (build-time headers)
Sep 18 2023boost-jam-1.83.0Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Jam utility)
Sep 11 2023fzf-0.42.0nb3Command-line fuzzy finder
Sep 11 2023go120-1.20.7The Go programming language
Sep 11 2023the_silver_searcher-2.2.0Attempt to improve on ack, which itself is better than grep
Sep 8 2023ncdu-1.18.1Disk usage visualization tool
Sep 8 2023diction-1.13GNU version of diction and style
Aug 28 2023qterm-1.0nb1Utility to recognise terminal type automatically
Aug 26 2023gettext-asprintf-0.22Provides a printf-like interface for C++
Aug 26 2023gettext-tools-0.22Tools for providing messages in different languages
Aug 26 2023gettext-m4-0.22Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
Aug 26 2023gettext-0.22Tools for providing messages in different languages
Aug 6 2023makedepend-1.0.8Dependency generator for make
Aug 6 2023xorg-cf-files-1.0.8Xorg imake rules
Aug 6 2023tradcpp-0.5.3Traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
Aug 6 2023imake-1.0.9nb1Obsolete build tool for X software
Aug 6 2023gcc7-7.5.0nb6The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 7.0 Release Series
Aug 6 2023libtool-fortran-2.4.7nb1Generic shared library support script (the script itself, incl. Fortran)
Jun 20 2023php81-bz2-8.1.20PHP extension for bzip2 compression
Jun 20 2023php81-gmp-8.1.20PHP extension for arbitrary precision math
Jun 20 2023php81-base58-1.0.2PHP extension for base58 encoding and decoding
Jun 20 2023php81-ffi-8.1.20nb1PHP extension for Foreign Function Interface
Jun 20 2023php81-dba-8.1.20PHP extension for DBM database access
Jun 20 2023php81-iconv-8.1.20PHP extension for character set conversion
Jun 20 2023php81-igbinary-3.2.14Binary serialization for PHP
Jun 20 2023php81-ldap-8.1.20nb1PHP extension for LDAP database access
Jun 20 2023freetds-1.00.112nb10Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo_dblib-8.1.20nb9PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (FreeTDS/Sybase/MS SQL)
Jun 20 2023php81-pgsql-8.1.20PHP extension for PostgreSQL databases
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo_sqlite-8.1.20nb10PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (SQLite v3)
Jun 20 2023postgresql15-client-15.2nb1PostgreSQL database client programs
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo_pgsql-8.1.20PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (PostgreSQL)
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo_odbc-8.1.20PHP ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo-8.1.20PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (base)
Jun 20 2023php81-pdo_mysql-8.1.20nb2PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (MySQL)
Jun 20 2023php81-redis-5.3.7PHP extension for Redis
Jun 20 2023php81-sqlite3-8.1.20nb10PHP extension for SQLite databases
Jun 20 2023php81-zlib-8.1.20nb1PHP extension for zlib compression
Jun 16 2023ascii-3.18ASCII character table program
Jun 15 2023libmodplug- for decoding mod-like music formats
Jun 15 2023libao-1.2.2Cross-platform audio library
Jun 15 2023libao-sun-1.2.2nb2Cross-platform audio library (Sun audio plugin)
Jun 14 2023rblcheck-1.5nb1Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
Jun 10 2023imap-uw-2007fnb11University of Washington's IMAP, POP2, and POP3 servers
Jun 10 2023xmlsec1-1.2.33nb3XML signature and encryption library
Jun 10 2023oath-toolkit-2.6.7nb2OATH (Open AuTHentication) Toolkit
Jun 9 2023aspell-zu-0.50.0Zulu language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-yi- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-wa-0.50.0Walloon language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-vi- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-uz-0.6.0Uzbek language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-uk- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-tr-0.50.0Turkish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-tn- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-tl-0.02.1Tagalog language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-tk-0.01.0Turkmen language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-tet-0.1.1Tetum language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-te-0.01.2Telugu language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ta-20040424.1Tamil language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sw-0.50.0Swahili language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sv-0.51.0Swedish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sr-0.02Serbian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sl-0.50.0Slovenian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sk-2.01.2Slovak language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-sc-1.0Sardinian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-rw-0.50.0Kinyarwanda language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ru-0.99f7.1Russian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ro-3.3.2Romanian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-qu-0.02.0Quechua language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-pt_PT-20190329.1.0Portuguese language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-pt_BR-20131030.12.0Brazilian Portuguese language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-pl-0.51.0Polish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-pa-0.01.1Punjabi language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-or-0.03.1Oriya language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ny-0.01.0Chichewa language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-nn- Nynorsk language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-nl-0.50.2Dutch language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-nds-0.01.0Low Saxon language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-nb- (Bokmal) language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-mt-0.50.0Maltese language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ms-0.50.0Malay language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-mn-0.06.2Mongolian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ml-0.03.1Malayalam language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-mk-0.50.0Macedonian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-mi-0.50.0Maori language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-mg-0.03.0Malagasy language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-lv- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-lt-1.3Lithuanian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-la-20020503.0Latin language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ky-0.01.0Kirghiz language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ku-0.20.1Kurdi language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-kn-0.01.1Kannada language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-it-2.2_20050523.0Italian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-is- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-id-1.2.0Indonesian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ia-0.50.1Interlingua language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hy- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hus-0.03.1Huastec language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hu- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hsb-0.02.0Upper Sorbian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hr-0.51.0Croatian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hil-0.11.0Hiligaynon language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-hi-0.02.0Hindi language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-he-1.0.0Hebrew language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-gv-0.50.0Manx Gaelic language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-gu-0.03.0Gujarati language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-grc-0.02.0Ancient Greek language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-gl-0.5a.2Galician language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-gd- Gaelic language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ga-4.8.0Irish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-fy-0.12.0Frisian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-fr-0.50.3French language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-fo-0.4.2nb9Faroese language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-fi-0.7.0Finnish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-fa-0.11.0Persian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-et- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-es-1.11.2Spanish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-eo-2.1.20000225a.2Esperanto language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-en-2020.12.07.0English language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-el-0.50.3Greek language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-de-alt-2.1.1German (Old Spelling) language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-de-20161207.7.0German language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-da-1.7.42nb7Danish language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-cy-0.50.3Welsh language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-csb-0.02.0Kashubian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-cs-20040614.1Czech language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ca- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-br-0.50.2Breton language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-bn- language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-bg-4.1.0Bulgarian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-be-0.01Belarusian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-az-0.02.0Azerbaijani language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ast-0.01Asturian language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-ar-1.2.0Arabic language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-am-0.03.1Amharic language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023aspell-0.60.8nb4Spell checker with good multi-language support
Jun 9 2023aspell-af-0.50.0Afrikaans language support for aspell
Jun 9 2023compat90-9.0nb1Shared libraries for NetBSD 9.0 compatibility
Jun 9 2023sysexits-1.1Substitute for OS's lacking it
May 28 2023pinfo-0.6.1nb8Przemek's Info Viewer
May 27 2023htmlq-0.4.0Parse and extract HTML from the command line
May 26 2023pup-0.4.0nb56Parsing HTML at the command line
May 24 2023bwbasic-3.10The Bywater Basic interpreter
May 23 2023xpdf-4.04nb2Display tool for PDF files (Qt version)
May 23 2023rtf2html-1.1Rich Text to HTML file converter
May 23 2023xlhtml-0.5nb2Microsoft xls/ppt to HTML converter
May 23 2023doc2html-3.0nb14PERL external filter for htdig to convert numerous doc formats to HTML
May 23 2023qt5-qtbase-5.15.7nb1C++ X GUI toolkit
May 23 2023motif-2.3.8nb1LGPLed Motif toolkit for the X Window System
May 23 2023libXrender-0.9.11X Render Library
May 23 2023libXft-2.3.8Library for configuring and customizing font access
May 23 2023libXdmcp-1.1.4X Display Manager Control Protocol library from X.org
May 23 2023libXau-1.0.11Authorization Protocol for X from X.org
May 23 2023poppler-23.05.0PDF rendering library
May 23 2023poppler-utils-23.05.0PDF utilities (from poppler)
May 23 2023nss-3.89.1Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
May 23 2023nspr-4.35Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
May 22 2023xbitmaps-1.1.3Common X11 bitmaps
May 21 2023iana-enterprise-numbers-20230518IANA Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)
May 21 2023ipmitool-1.8.19Command-line utility for managing IPMI devices
May 20 2023p5-Text-Markdown-1.0.31nb14Convert Markdown to HTML
May 18 2023tut-2.0.1nb3TUI for Mastodon with shellout
May 15 2023dhcpcd-10.0.1DHCP / IPv4LL / IPv6RA / DHCPv6 client
May 14 2023ImageMagick- for display and non-interactive manipulation of images
May 14 2023php81-imagick-3.7.0nb7PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library
May 14 2023php81-zip-8.1.18nb9PHP extension for ZIP archive handling
May 14 2023libsodium-1.0.18Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools
May 14 2023php81-sodium-8.1.18PHP extension for the sodium crypto algorithms library
May 14 2023php81-mbstring-8.1.18PHP extension for multibyte characters support
May 14 2023php81-exif-8.1.18PHP extension to extract information from EXIF headers
May 14 2023php81-curl-8.1.18nb14PHP extension for curl functions
May 9 2023codecrypt-1.8nb1Post-quantum cryptographic software
May 9 2023cryptopp-8.7.0Free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
May 9 2023fftw-3.3.10nb1Fast C routines to compute DFTs (single and double precision)
May 8 2023tcl-expect-5.45.0nb6Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
May 8 2023guile30-3.0.9nb1Official extension language for the GNU operating system
May 8 2023swi-prolog-packages-8.0.2nb3Packages for SWI Prolog
May 8 2023swi-prolog-8.0.2ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler suite
May 8 2023swi-prolog-lite-8.0.2nb2ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
May 5 2023unbound-1.17.1nb1DNS resolver and recursive server
May 5 2023freeradius-3.2.2nb1Free RADIUS server implementation
May 5 2023flex-2.6.4Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
May 5 2023p5-Router-Simple-0.17nb8Simple HTTP router for web applications
May 5 2023p5-Plack-1.0050PSGI toolkit and servers
May 5 2023p5-JSON-4.05nb1Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
May 5 2023p5-JSON-RPC-1.06nb8JSON RPC 2.0 Server implementation for Perl
May 5 2023p5-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08nb7Minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
May 5 2023p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.22nb4Perl extension for faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
May 5 2023p5-Cookie-Baker-0.11nb3Perl extension for cookie string generator/parser
May 5 2023p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36nb2Compile a log format string to perl-code
May 5 2023p5-Test-TCP-2.22nb3Perl 5 module to test TCP program
May 5 2023p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.25nb2PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
May 5 2023p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14nb3Perl5 module providing a simple and dumb file system watcher
May 5 2023p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15nb7Perl5 module to displays stack trace in HTML
May 5 2023p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.13nb5Perl 5 module to install shared files
May 5 2023p5-File-ShareDir-1.118nb5Get a generic path to the share directory
May 5 2023p5-Test-Time-0.092Override time()/sleep() core functions for testing
May 5 2023p5-File-Slurp-9999.32nb3Read/write/append files quickly
May 5 2023p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.44nb2Perl extension for glibc compatible strftime for loggers/servers
May 5 2023p5-Test-MockTime-0.17nb5Replaces actual time with simulated time
May 5 2023p5-Stream-Buffered-0.03nb8Perl extension for temporary buffer to save bytes
May 5 2023p5-Hash-MultiValue-0.16nb8Perl5 module to store multiple values per key
May 5 2023p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02nb5HTTP MultiPart Parser
May 5 2023p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.26nb3Parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
May 5 2023p5-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004004Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::PP
May 5 2023p5-Test-Deep-1.204Perl5 module to test deep structures
May 5 2023p5-Test-Requires-0.11nb2Perl 5 module to test if a module can be loaded
May 5 2023p5-Test-SharedFork-0.35nb7Perl 5 module to make forking test
May 5 2023p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.04nb4Perl5 module for stack trace and stack trace frame objects
May 5 2023p5-Class-Inspector-1.36nb3Provides information about Classes
May 5 2023p5-File-pushd-1.016nb5Perl module to change directory temporarily for a limited scope
May 5 2023p5-CGI-Compile-0.25nb2Perl 5 module to compile .cgi scripts to a code reference
May 5 2023p5-YAML-PP-0.029nb1Modern, modular YAML processor
May 5 2023p5-libwww-6.61nb1Perl5 library for WWW access
May 5 2023p5-JSONSchema-Validator-0.010nb1Perl module to validate JSONSchema and openapi
May 5 2023p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo-0.31nb14Support versions 1 and 2 of JSON::XS
May 5 2023p5-JSON-XS-4.03nb2JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
May 5 2023p5-JSON-Parse-0.62Read JSON into a Perl variable
May 5 2023p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.32JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast (cPanel fork)
May 5 2023p5-JSON-Any-1.39nb6Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
May 5 2023p5-Types-Serialiser-1.01nb2Simple data types for common serialisation formats
May 5 2023p5-Canary-Stability-2013nb3Canary to check Perl compatibility
May 5 2023p5-common-sense-3.75nb3Save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!
May 5 2023p5-Test-Without-Module-0.20nb6Perl 5 module to fallback test behaviour in absence of modules
May 5 2023xmahjongg-3.70The Chinese game of Mah Jongg for X11
May 4 2023forth-retro-12.0.2019.7Clean, elegant, and pragmatic dialect of Forth
May 4 2023php81-mysqli-8.1.18nb2PHP5 extension for MySQL 4.1 and later databases
May 3 2023taskwarrior-2.6.2nb1Open source, command-line, TODO list manager
May 2 2023mysql-client-5.7.41MySQL 5, a free SQL database (client)
May 2 2023teapop-0.3.8nb23Yet another RFC1939 compliant POP3 server
May 2 2023byobu-5.111nb8Open source text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
Apr 30 2023lftp-4.9.2nb8Powerful command line file transfer client
Apr 30 2023neon-0.32.5nb1HTTP and WebDAV client library
Apr 30 2023cadaver-0.23.3nb12Command-line WebDAV client
Apr 30 2023flite-2.2Lightweight text to speech synthesis engine
Apr 30 2023libheif-1.15.2nb1HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder library
Apr 30 2023ncftp3-3.2.6nb5FTP replacement with advanced user interface
Apr 30 2023p5-subversion-1.14.2nb4Perl bindings for Subversion
Apr 30 2023subversion-base-1.14.2nb4Version control system, base programs and libraries
Apr 30 2023ap24-subversion-1.14.2nb5WebDAV server (Apache module) for Subversion
Apr 30 2023serf-1.3.9nb2High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
Apr 30 2023dtach-0.9Small program that emulates the detach feature of screen
Apr 30 2023dav1d-1.1.0AV1 decoder library
Apr 30 2023mtr-0.95nb2Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
Apr 30 2023gtk3+-3.24.35GIMP Toolkit v3 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
Apr 30 2023fribidi-1.0.11Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
Apr 30 2023pixman-0.42.2Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines
Apr 30 2023lzo-2.10Portable lossless data compression library
Apr 30 2023gts-0.7.6nb3GNU Triangulated Surface Library
Apr 30 2023libltdl-2.4.7Generic shared library support (libltdl abstraction library)
Apr 30 2023mpfr-4.1.0GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
Apr 30 2023ptexenc-1.4.0Library for Japanese pTeX and its tools
Apr 30 2023kpathsea-6.3.4Path searching library for TeX-related files
Apr 30 2023at-spi2-atk-2.38.0nb1Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface A11y Toolkit
Apr 30 2023wayland-protocols-1.26nb1Additional wayland functionality
Apr 30 2023wayland-1.21.0nb1Display server protocol - development libraries
Apr 30 2023libcups-2.4.2nb6Common UNIX Printing System library
Apr 30 2023gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10nb2Library for image loading and manipulation
Apr 30 2023atk-2.38.0Set of interfaces for accessibility
Apr 30 2023shared-mime-info-2.2nb1Core database of common types
Apr 30 2023giflib-5.2.1nb4GIF image format library
Apr 30 2023jansson-2.13.1C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
Apr 30 2023dbus-1.14.0nb3Message bus system
Apr 30 2023libepoxy-1.5.10Library for OpenGL function pointer management
Apr 30 2023libva-2.18.0Video Acceleration API
Apr 30 2023libxshmfence-1.3.2Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive
Apr 30 2023libelf-0.8.13nb1ELF object file access library
Apr 30 2023libdrm-2.4.115Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
Apr 30 2023libpciaccess-0.17PCI access utility library from X.org
Apr 30 2023pciids-20200222Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
Apr 30 2023git-docs-2.40.1GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
Apr 30 2023git-contrib-2.40.1GIT Tree History Storage Tool (contrib)
Apr 30 2023git-2.40.1GIT version control suite meta-package
Apr 30 2023notmuch-0.37Mail indexer
Apr 30 2023gmime3-3.2.7nb2Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages (API v3)
Apr 30 2023ghostscript-agpl-10.01.1Postscript interpreter
Apr 30 2023mDNSResponder-258.14nb3Apple's mDNS responder
Apr 30 2023mutt-2.2.10nb1Text-based MIME mail client with PGP & S/MIME support
Apr 30 2023libksba-1.6.3X.509 library
Apr 30 2023libgpg-error-1.47Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
Apr 30 2023apache-2.4.57nb2Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2.4
Apr 30 2023ap24-php81-8.1.18nb10Apache (apache24) module for PHP8.1
Apr 30 2023oniguruma-6.9.8Regular expressions library
Apr 30 2023openldap-client-2.6.3Lightweight Directory Access Protocol libraries and client programs
Apr 30 2023unixodbc-2.3.11ODBC 2.x/3.x driver manager
Apr 30 2023apr-util-1.6.3nb1Apache Portable Runtime utilities
Apr 30 2023apr-1.7.4Apache Portable Runtime
Apr 29 2023jbigkit-2.1nb1JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
Apr 29 2023pkcs11-helper-1.27.0nb8Library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11
Apr 29 2023gnupg-pkcs11-scd-0.9.2nb12OpenSC smart card support for GnuPG
Apr 29 2023libp11-0.4.11Convenience library for easy PKCS#11 implementation
Apr 29 2023gsettings-desktop-schemas-40.0nb1Collection of GSettings schemas for the GNOME desktop
Apr 29 2023libproxy-0.4.15nb1Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
Apr 29 2023libassuan-2.5.5IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
Apr 29 2023npth-1.6New Portable Threads Library (nPth)
Apr 29 2023libusb1-1.0.24USB Access Library (version 1)
Apr 29 2023gstreamer1-1.20.2nb1Open source multimedia framework
Apr 29 2023gst-plugins1-base-1.20.2nb1Open source multimedia framework - base plugins
Apr 29 2023talloc-2.3.4nb1Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors
Apr 29 2023xapian-1.4.20Probabilistic Information Retrieval search engine
Apr 29 2023sfsexp-1.3.1pre20211025Small Fast S-Expression Library
Apr 29 2023libidn-1.41Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
Apr 29 2023tokyocabinet-1.4.48Modern implementation of DBM
Apr 29 2023mime-types-9Database of common mappings of file extensions to MIME types
Apr 29 2023dbus-glib-0.112nb1GLib bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
Apr 29 2023p5-GSSAPI-0.28nb14Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
Apr 29 2023popt-1.18Command line option parsing library
Apr 29 2023libslang2-2.2.4nb4Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
Apr 29 2023desktop-file-utils-0.26nb2Utilities to manage desktop entries
Apr 29 2023p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04nb12Perl5 module for HMAC
Apr 29 2023tree-1.8.0Print a text or HTML tree diagram of a directory structure
Apr 29 2023getopt-1.1.6Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
Apr 29 2023base64-1.5Encode and decode base64 files
Apr 29 2023lz4-1.9.4Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
Apr 29 2023utf8proc-2.8.0C library for processing Unicode data
Apr 29 2023swig3-3.0.12nb5Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 3)
Apr 29 2023jq-1.6nb1Command-line JSON processor
Apr 29 2023xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1XML and SGML catalog manager
Apr 29 2023jbig2dec-0.19nb1JBIG2 decoder library
Apr 29 2023ghostscript-fonts-8.11nb3Postscript fonts for Aladdin Ghostscript
Apr 29 2023liblqr-0.4.2nb2Content-aware image resizing library
Apr 26 2023uucp-1.07nb7Taylor UUCP
Apr 22 2023skey-1.1.5nb14Port of OpenBSD s/key implementation
Apr 20 2023remind-3.2.0nb3Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language
Apr 12 2023ocaml-4.14.0The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML
Apr 12 2023unison-2.53.2File-synchronization tool
Apr 8 2023bearssl-0.6nb1Implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246)
Apr 8 2023libtls-bearssl-0.5Implementation of libtls on top of BearSSL
Apr 6 2023xtrans-1.4.0Network API translation layer to insulate X
Apr 6 2023gdbus-codegen-2.74.6Generate code and/or documentation for one or more D-Bus interfaces
Apr 6 2023gtk-doc-1.32nb11Tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation
Apr 6 2023p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-12.0nb2Perl5 module that provides properties of East Asian characters
Apr 6 2023p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30nb6Perl5 module that transliterates Unicode to US-ASCII
Apr 6 2023p5-Locale-libintl-1.32nb2Perl internationalization library
Apr 6 2023gtexinfo-7.0.2GNU info documentation utilities
Apr 6 2023rlwrap-0.45.2nb2Provides command line editing and history for other commands
Apr 5 2023tin-2.6.2USENET newsreader (termcap based)
Apr 5 2023libcanlock-3.3.0Standalone RFC 8315 Netnews Cancel-Lock implementation
Apr 5 2023slrn-1.0.3anb1Highly customizable threaded newsreader
Apr 5 2023uulib-0.5.20nb6Library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
Apr 4 2023autoconf-2.71nb2Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
Apr 4 2023m4-1.4.19nb1GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
Apr 4 2023automake-1.16.5nb3GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
Apr 4 2023help2man-1.49.3Generate simple manual pages from program output
Apr 4 2023p5-Text-Diff-1.45nb5High-level text diffing module for Perl
Apr 4 2023p5-Test-Differences-0.6900Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
Apr 4 2023p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1903nb8Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
Apr 4 2023p5-Test-Pod-1.52nb5Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
Apr 4 2023p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10nb9Check for pod coverage in your distribution
Apr 4 2023p5-Devel-Symdump-2.1800nb6Perl5 module for inspecting perl's symtable/class hiers
Apr 4 2023p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2800nb6Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
Apr 4 2023p5-Test-Exception-0.43nb7Test exception based code
Apr 4 2023p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430nb2Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions
Apr 4 2023p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.006000Exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
Apr 4 2023p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430nb2Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
Apr 3 2023p5-HTTP-Date-6.05nb3Perl 5 module providing date conversion routines
Apr 3 2023p5-Font-AFM-1.20nb14Perl5 modules for parsing PostScript font metrics files
Apr 3 2023p5-HTML-Tree-5.07nb5Perl5 modules for manipulating HTML syntax trees
Apr 3 2023p5-File-Slurper-0.013nb1Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
Apr 3 2023p5-HTML-Formatter-2.16nb1Format HTML as plaintext
Apr 3 2023p5-Test-Warnings-0.031nb1Test for warnings and the lack of them
Apr 3 2023p5-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014nb6Perl module to verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
Apr 3 2023p5-Test-LeakTrace-0.17nb2Perl 5 module to trace memory leaks
Apr 3 2023p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72nb11Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Apr 3 2023p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.10nb2Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
Apr 3 2023p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02nb11Perl 5 module database of robots.txt-derived permissions
Apr 3 2023p5-Net-HTTP-6.21nb2Perl 5 module for low-level HTTP connections (client)
Apr 3 2023p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01nb11Negotiate HTTP service parameters
Apr 3 2023p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.15Simple http server class
Apr 3 2023p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.10nb2HTTP cookie jars
Apr 3 2023p5-File-Listing-6.14nb2Perl 5 module providing a directory parser
Apr 3 2023p5-Path-Class-0.37nb6Cross-platform path specification manipulation
Apr 3 2023p5-inc-latest-0.500nb7Use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
Apr 3 2023p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012nb5Build.PL install path logic made easy
Apr 3 2023p5-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026nb6Various portability utilities for Perl5 module builders
Apr 3 2023p5-ExtUtils-Config-0.008nb8Wrapper for configuration of Perl
Apr 3 2023p5-HTTP-Message-6.44nb1Construct HTTP style messages
Apr 3 2023p5-Try-Tiny-0.31Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
Apr 3 2023p5-IO-HTML-1.004nb2Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
Apr 3 2023p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04nb3Guess media type for a file or a URL
Apr 3 2023p5-Encode-Locale-1.05nb8Determine the locale encoding for Encode
Apr 3 2023p5-HTML-Parser-3.80Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
Apr 3 2023p5-Clone-0.46Perl module for recursively copying datatypes
Apr 3 2023p5-Capture-Tiny-0.48nb5Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
Apr 3 2023p5-URI-5.10nb1Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
Apr 3 2023p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20nb14Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
Apr 3 2023p5-XML-Parser-2.46nb2Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
Apr 3 2023p5-XML-Twig-3.52nb6Efficient XML document interface
Apr 3 2023libepoll-shim-0.0.20210418nb2Small epoll implemented using kevent
Apr 3 2023mg-20110905nb5Small, fast, public domain EMACS style editor
Mar 31 2023asciidoc-10.2.0nb2ASCII to formatted document converter
Mar 28 2023mysql-server-5.7.38MySQL 5, a free SQL database (server)
Mar 27 2023powwow-1.2.5nb1Client to play MUDs
Mar 25 2023irssi-1.2.3nb4Secure and modular IRC client with text mode user interface
Mar 25 2023pulseaudio-15.0nb2Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems
Mar 25 2023polkit-0.120nb3Authorization Manager
Mar 25 2023avahi-0.8nb5Facilitate service discovery on a local network
Mar 25 2023clisp-2.49nb28CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
Mar 25 2023at-spi2-core-2.40.3nb2Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface Core
Mar 25 2023GConf-3.2.3nb15Configuration database system used by GNOME
Mar 25 2023ORBit2-2.14.19nb6High-performance CORBA ORB with C language support
Mar 25 2023libIDL-0.8.14nb6CORBA Interface Definition Language parser
Mar 25 2023mc-4.8.28nb1User-friendly file manager and visual shell
Mar 25 2023lasso-2.7.0nb7Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
Mar 25 2023w3m- version of a pager/text-based browser w3m
Mar 25 2023cowsay-3.04nb6Configurable talking cow
Mar 25 2023xmlto-0.0.28nb8Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
Mar 25 2023docbook-xsl-1.79.2nb7Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
Mar 25 2023p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.074Perl5 SSL socket interface class
Mar 25 2023p5-Mozilla-CA-20221114Mozilla's CA cert bundle for Perl
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-SSLeay-1.92Perl5 module for using OpenSSL
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12nb14Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
Mar 25 2023p5-IO-CaptureOutput-1.1105nb3Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses, or XS
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-Domain-TLD-1.75nb6Work with TLD names
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-DNS-1.34Perl5 module for DNS resolution
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-IP-1.26nb10Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
Mar 25 2023p5-Socket6-0.29nb4Perl5 module to support getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()
Mar 25 2023p5-TimeDate-2.33nb2Perl5 TimeDate distribution
Mar 25 2023p5-Net-3.14Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
Mar 20 2023trn-4.77nb7Threaded version of rn, the classic news reader
Mar 20 2023xdg-utils-1.1.3nb3Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks
Mar 20 2023libusb-compat-0.1.7USB access library version 0 compatibility layer on top of version 1
Mar 20 2023docbook-xml-4.5XML DTD designed for computer documentation
Mar 20 2023libsigc++-2.10.8Type-safe callback system for C++ programs (v2)
Mar 20 2023m17n-db-1.8.0The m17n database used by the m17n library
Mar 20 2023boehm-gc-8.2.2Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
Mar 20 2023gdbm-1.23The GNU database manager
Mar 20 2023nntpclnt-1.6.1nb6NNTP client library and inews client posting program
Mar 19 2023yabasic-2.90.2Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
Mar 17 2023srm-1.2.15Secure replacement for rm(1)
Mar 15 2023libmilter-8.16.1nb1Mail filter support library for sendmail
Mar 13 2023esh-0.8nb4Unix shell with Lisp-like syntax
Mar 12 2023check-0.15.2Unit test framework for C
Mar 12 2023tdb-1.4.7Small database system which uses files to store data
Mar 12 2023speexdsp-1.2.0Open-source, patent-free voice codec DSP library
Mar 12 2023consolekit-1.2.4nb1Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats
Mar 12 2023speex-1.2.0nb1Open-source, patent-free voice codec
Mar 12 2023mpg123-1.29.3nb1MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player
Mar 12 2023libvorbis-1.3.7Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
Mar 12 2023lame-3.100nb3Fast, high quality MP3 encoder
Mar 12 2023libogg-1.3.5nb1Ogg project codecs library
Mar 12 2023libduktape-2.7.0Embeddable Javascript engine library
Mar 12 2023libdaemon-0.14nb2C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
Mar 10 2023ircII-20210314'Internet Relay Chat' and 'Internet Citizens Band' Client
Mar 10 2023par-1.53.0Paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better
Mar 6 2023nut-15.8Record what you eat and analyze your meals
Mar 6 2023renameutils-0.12.0Rename files faster and more easily
Mar 6 2023dhex-0.69Curses-based hex-editor with diff mode
Mar 6 2023abook-0.6.1Text-based addressbook program
Mar 6 2023htop-3.2.2Enhanced version of top utility
Mar 6 2023libretls-3.7.0Port of libtls for OpenSSL
Mar 6 2023ossp-uuid-1.6.2nb11C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs
Mar 6 2023enca-1.15Extremely Naive Charset Analyser
Mar 6 2023youtube-dl-20211217nb4Download videos from youtube.com
Mar 4 2023fd-find-8.6.0Simple, fast und user-friendly alternative to find
Mar 3 2023dialog-1.3.20220526Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
Mar 2 2023iso-codes-3.77nb1List of country, language and currency names
Mar 2 2023gsl-2.7.1The GNU Scientific Library
Feb 27 2023yudit-2.9.2Unicode Text Editor
Feb 27 2023xorgproto-2022.2Various X headers from Xorg X11
Feb 26 2023isc-dhcp-4.4.3p1ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Base
Feb 26 2023isc-dhcpd-4.4.3p1ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
Feb 23 2023figlet-2.2.5nb1Print text banners in fancy ASCII art characters
Feb 23 2023figlet-fonts-20021023nb1Additional fonts for figlet
Feb 22 2023pgp5-5.0inb11Public-key encryption and digital signature utilities (v5)
Feb 22 2023argp-1.3nb1Argument parsing function from glibc
Feb 18 2023ispell-3.4.05Interactive spelling checker
Feb 18 2023sbcl-2.2.5SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation
Feb 18 2023scheme48-1.9.2The Scheme Underground implementation of R5RS
Feb 18 2023libsigsegv-2.14Library for handling page faults in user mode
Feb 18 2023libffcall-2.4Foreign function call libraries
Feb 18 2023mercurial-6.3.2Fast, lightweight source control management system (meta package)
Feb 18 2023ksh93-1.0.4Actively developed fork of AT&T KornShell 93u+
Feb 18 2023amfora-1.9.2nb9Terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
Feb 17 2023se-3.0.1nb1Screen oriented version of ed
Feb 16 2023binutils-2.40GNU binary utilities
Feb 16 2023ispell-sv-1.2.1Swedish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-sk-0.3.2Slovak dictionary for ispell
Feb 16 2023ispell-ru-io-0.99g4Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
Feb 16 2023ispell-ru-0.99g4Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
Feb 16 2023ispell-ro-20031216Romanian dictionary for ispell
Feb 16 2023ispell-br-2.4Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-pl-20021127Polish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-lt-1.3nb3Lithuanian dictionary for ispell
Feb 16 2023ispell-ku-0.20Kurdish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-gl-0.5Galician dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-ga-2.0Irish language support for ispell
Feb 16 2023ispell-fr-1.4French dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-es-1.7Spanish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-british-3.4.05British dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023mm-common-1.0.4nb1Provides build infrastructure utilities for GNOME C++ libraries
Feb 16 2023ispell-de-20160407nb5German dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023ispell-ca-1.0Catalan dictionary for interactive spelling checker
Feb 16 2023fetchmail-6.4.35Batch mail retrieval/forwarding utility for pop2, pop3, apop, imap
Feb 15 2023findutils-4.9.0find, locate, updatedb, and xargs utilities
Feb 15 2023kermit-9.0.302nb13Network and serial communication, file transfer, and scripting utility
Feb 15 2023most-5.1.0Pager (like less) which has support for windows and binary files
Feb 15 2023libmaa-1.4.7nb1General purpose data structures and functions
Feb 15 2023dict-client-1.13.1Dictionary Service Protocol client
Feb 15 2023bmake-20200524nb1Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
Feb 15 2023mk-configure-0.38.2Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools
Feb 15 2023toot-0.34.0Command line client for the Mastodon social network API
Feb 15 2023colorls-2.2nb1Uses color with ls(1) to display file attributes
Feb 14 2023tidy-5.8.0Fixes and tidies up HTML files
Feb 14 2023gnupg-1.4.23nb15GNU Privacy Guard, public-Key encryption and digital signatures
Feb 14 2023exa-0.10.1Replacement for ls(1) written in Rust
Feb 14 2023sc-7.16_1.1.2Curses-based spreadsheet program
Feb 14 2023snobol-1.3nb1Macro implementation of SNOBOL4 in C
Feb 14 2023links-2.28Lynx-like text WWW browser
Feb 14 2023cal-3.5nb1Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
Feb 14 2023free-1.0Displays memory usage
Feb 14 2023fish-3.6.0User friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
Feb 14 2023joe-4.6nb1Joe's own editor
Feb 13 2023oksh-7.2Portable OpenBSD ksh(1)
Feb 13 2023html2text-1.3.2aAdvanced HTML-to-text converter
Feb 13 2023fortune-strfile-0Tool to prepare a fortune database
Feb 13 2023fortune-19970829Fortune cookie generator
Feb 13 2023tf-4.0s1nb9Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
Feb 13 2023greed-3.4nb3Strategy game: eat as much as possible
Feb 13 2023less-608Pager similar to more and pg
Feb 13 2023zombies-1.0nb6Simple robots-like game where you destroy the zombies
Feb 13 2023pdksh-5.2.14nb7Free clone of the AT&T Korn shell
Feb 13 2023heirloom-mailx-12.5nb2BSD mail utility with MIME extensions
Feb 13 2023cy2-scram-2.1.28Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-saml-1.10nb9Crude SAML assertion validator for bridging WebSSO and SASL
Feb 13 2023cy2-plain-2.1.28Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-otp-2.1.28Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-ntlm-2.1.28Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-login-2.1.28Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-ldapdb-2.1.28Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-digestmd5-2.1.28Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-crammd5-2.1.28Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023cy2-anonymous-2.1.28Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
Feb 13 2023procmail-3.22nb5Local mail delivery agent
Feb 13 2023phoon-20050629Show phase of the moon on ASCII terminal
Feb 13 2023cyrus-saslauthd-2.1.28nb1Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
Feb 13 2023elinks-0.12rc6nb21Extended/Enhanced Links
Feb 13 2023tcsh-6.24.03Extended C-shell with many useful features
Feb 6 2023tmux-3.3aBSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative)
Feb 3 2023libb2-0.98.1C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
Jan 31 2023gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10nb13Documentation utilities for the GNOME project
Jan 31 2023itstool-2.0.7nb1ITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files
Jan 28 2023ywho-1.3Who, users, uptime on clients in a sun-RPC network
Jan 28 2023nmh-1.7.1nb16Cleaned up MH mailer suite
Jan 24 2023hs-skylighting-0.12.2nb2Syntax highlighting library
Jan 24 2023pandoc- between markup formats
Jan 24 2023hs-pretty-show-1.10nb4Tools for working with derived Show instances
Jan 24 2023hs-haskell-lexer-1.1nb4Fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer
Jan 24 2023hs-skylighting-core-0.12.2nb5Syntax highlighting library core
Jan 24 2023hs-zip-archive-0.4.1nb4Library for creating and modifying zip archives
Jan 24 2023hs-yaml- for parsing and rendering YAML document
Jan 24 2023hs-xml-1.3.14nb4Simple XML library
Jan 24 2023hs-texmath-0.12.4nb3Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics
Jan 24 2023hs-tagsoup-0.14.8nb4Parsing and extracting information from HTML/XML documents
Jan 24 2023hs-SHA- of the SHA suite of message digest functions
Jan 24 2023hs-pandoc-lua-marshal-0.1.4nb3Use pandoc types in Lua
Jan 24 2023hs-lpeg-1.0.2nb2Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua
Jan 24 2023hs-JuicyPixels-3.3.8Picture loading/serialization
Jan 24 2023hs-jira-wiki-markup-1.4.0nb2Handle Jira wiki markup
Jan 24 2023hs-ipynb-0.2nb3Data structure for working with Jupyter notebooks (ipynb)
Jan 24 2023hs-http-client-tls-0.3.6nb3TLS backend for Haskell http-client library
Jan 24 2023hs-http-types-0.12.3nb4Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
Jan 24 2023hs-http-client-0.7.11nb2HTTP client engine
Jan 24 2023hs-HTTP-4000.3.16nb4Haskell library for client-side HTTP
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-module-version-1.0.1nb2Lua module to work with version specifiers
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-module-text-1.0.1nb2Lua module for text
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-module-system-1.0.1nb2Lua module wrapper around Haskell System module
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-module-path-1.0.1nb2Lua module to work with file paths
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-aeson-2.2.1Allow aeson data types to be used with Lua
Jan 24 2023hs-hslua-2.1.0nb2Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
Jan 24 2023hs-haddock-library-1.10.0nb4Library exposing some functionality of Haddock
Jan 24 2023hs-text-conversions-0.3.1nb4Safe conversions between textual types
Jan 24 2023hs-HsYAML- Haskell YAML 1.2 processor
Jan 24 2023hs-doctemplates- document templates
Jan 24 2023hs-connection-0.3.1nb5Network connection with optional TLS and/or SOCKS
Jan 24 2023hs-commonmark-pandoc- between commonmark and pandoc AST
Jan 24 2023hs-network-uri- manipulation
Jan 24 2023hs-commonmark-extensions-0.2.3nb2Pure Haskell commonmark parser - extensions
Jan 24 2023hs-unicode-transforms-0.4.0nb2Unicode normalization
Jan 24 2023hs-commonmark- Haskell commonmark parser
Jan 24 2023hs-zlib- and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
Jan 24 2023hs-network- Low-level networking interface
Jan 24 2023hs-xml-conduit- utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package
Jan 24 2023hs-syb- "Scrap Your Boilerplate" Library
Jan 24 2023hs-pandoc-types- for representing a structured document
Jan 24 2023hs-citeproc- citations and bibliography from CSL styles
Jan 24 2023hs-base64-bytestring- base64 encoding and deconding for ByteStrings
Jan 16 2023b2sum-20160619nb1BLAKE2 b2sum utility
Dec 31 2022snappy-1.1.9General purpose data compression library
Dec 29 2022zsh-5.9nb2The Z shell
Dec 28 2022netcat-1.10nb3Read and write data across network connections
Dec 13 2022tex-texlive-scripts-doc-2022Documentation for tex-texlive-scripts
Dec 13 2022tex-kpathsea-2022Translation tables for TeX
Dec 13 2022tex-knuth-lib-2021Core TeX and Metafont sources from Knuth
Dec 13 2022tex-hyphen-base-2021TeX hyphenation patterns for English
Dec 13 2022stfl-0.24nb7Library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
Dec 13 2022json-c-0.16JSON library in C
Dec 4 2022dovecot- IMAP and POP3 server
Dec 4 2022nano-6.4Small and friendly text editor (a free replacement for Pico)
Dec 2 2022zile-2.4.15nb2Emacs-like text editor
Dec 1 2022zip-3.0nb3Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
Dec 1 2022mktexlsr-2020Create or rebuild ls-R
Nov 3 2022hs-digest- cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32
Nov 3 2022hs-libyaml-0.1.2nb6Low-level, streaming YAML interface
Nov 3 2022neofetch-7.1.0Command-line system information tool
Nov 3 2022happy-1.20.0nb4Parser generator for Haskell
Nov 3 2022hs-mime-types- mime-type handling types and functions
Nov 3 2022hs-iproute-1.7.12nb2IP Routing Table
Nov 3 2022hs-cookie-0.4.5nb4HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
Nov 3 2022hs-byteorder-1.0.4nb4Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system
Nov 3 2022hs-appar-0.1.8nb4Simple applicative parser
Nov 3 2022hs-hslua-packaging-2.1.0nb2Utilities to build Lua modules
Nov 3 2022hs-hslua-classes-2.1.0nb2Type classes for HsLua
Nov 3 2022hs-hslua-objectorientation-2.1.0nb2Object orientation tools for HsLua
Nov 3 2022hs-hslua-marshalling-2.1.0nb2Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
Nov 3 2022hs-hslua-core-2.1.0nb2Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
Nov 3 2022hs-lua-2.1.0nb2Low-level bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
Nov 3 2022hs-errors-2.3.0nb4Simplified error-handling
Nov 3 2022hs-base16-bytestring- base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
Nov 3 2022hs-x509-system-1.6.7nb3Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
Nov 3 2022hs-tls-1.5.7nb3TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
Nov 3 2022hs-socks-0.6.1nb4Socks proxy (ver 5)
Nov 3 2022hs-x509-validation-1.6.12nb3X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
Nov 3 2022hs-x509-store-1.6.9nb3X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
Nov 3 2022hs-x509-1.7.6nb3X509 reader and writer
Nov 3 2022hs-pem-0.2.4nb5Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
Nov 3 2022hs-cryptonite-0.30nb1Cryptography Primitives sink
Nov 3 2022hs-asn1-parse-0.9.5nb5Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types
Nov 3 2022hs-asn1-encoding-0.9.6nb5ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
Nov 3 2022hs-asn1-types-0.3.4nb5ASN.1 types
Nov 3 2022hs-memory-0.18.0nb1Memory and related abstraction stuff
Nov 3 2022hs-hourglass-0.2.12nb4Simple performant time related library
Nov 3 2022hs-cereal- serialization library
Nov 3 2022hs-basement-0.0.12nb2Foundation scrap box of array and string
Nov 3 2022hs-unicode-data-0.3.0nb2Access Unicode character database
Nov 3 2022hs-rfc5051-0.2nb4Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051
Nov 3 2022hs-uniplate-1.6.13nb4Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations
Nov 3 2022hs-unicode-collation- implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
Nov 3 2022hs-xml-types-0.3.8nb4Basic types for representing XML
Nov 3 2022hs-conduit-extra-1.3.5nb7Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries
Nov 3 2022hs-typed-process- external processes, with strong typing of streams
Nov 3 2022hs-streaming-commons- lower-level functions for various streaming data libraries
Nov 3 2022hs-conduit- data processing library
Nov 3 2022hs-async-2.2.4nb2Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
Nov 3 2022hs-resourcet- allocation and freeing of scarce resources
Nov 3 2022hs-mono-traversable- classes for traversing monomorphic containers
Nov 3 2022hs-unliftio-core- MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO
Nov 3 2022hs-vector-algorithms- algorithms for vector arrays
Nov 3 2022hs-bitvec- bit vectors
Nov 3 2022hs-th-lift-instances-0.1.19nb3Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types
Nov 3 2022compat80-8.0Shared libraries for NetBSD 8.0 compatibility
Nov 3 2022xtermset-0.5.2nb2Change things like foreground color, size etc. on an xterm
Nov 2 2022vim-share-9.0.0305Data files for the vim editor (vi clone)
Nov 2 2022vim-9.0.0305Vim editor (vi clone) without GUI
Nov 2 2022phetch-1.1.0Quick lil gopher client for your terminal
Oct 11 2022nn-6.7.3nb5NN newsreader
Oct 11 2022elm-me-2.4.93nb8ELM Mail User Agent with ME extensions
Oct 11 2022metamail-2.7nb12Implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Oct 11 2022libatomic_ops-7.6.14Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
Oct 10 2022lzip-1.23Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Oct 4 2022xxhash-0.8.1Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
Oct 4 2022rsync-3.2.6Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
Oct 4 2022screen-4.9.0Multi-screen window manager
Sep 27 2022fcgi-2.4.0nb3FastCGI application development kit
Sep 27 2022fcgiwrap-1.1.0FastCGI wrapper for plain CGI scripts
Sep 22 2022xorg-util-macros-1.19.3Xorg autotool macros
Sep 22 2022gperf-3.1GNU perfect hash function generator
Sep 22 2022gawk-5.1.1GNU awk
Sep 22 2022botan-2.19.2Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v2)
Sep 22 2022argon2-20190702Password hash Argon2
Sep 22 2022qrencode-4.1.1QR Code generator
Sep 15 2022gtar-base-1.34The GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support
Sep 15 2022x265-3.5High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
Sep 15 2022libde265-1.0.8nb1Open h.265 video codec implementation
Sep 15 2022libaom-3.4.0Library for using AV1, video coding format
Sep 15 2022nasm-2.15.05nb2General-purpose x86 assembler
Sep 15 2022re2c-2.2Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
Sep 15 2022osabi-NetBSD-9.99.99Operating System version dummy-package
Sep 15 2022x11-links-1.35Shadow tree of links to native X11 headers and libraries
Sep 15 2022sudo-1.9.11p3Allow others to run commands as root
Sep 14 2022bison-3.8.2nb1GNU yacc(1) replacement
Sep 14 2022gmake-4.3nb4GNU version of 'make' utility
Sep 14 2022libtool-base-2.4.7nb1Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
Sep 14 2022digest-20220214Message digest wrapper utility
Sep 14 2022nbsed-20120308NetBSD-current's sed(1)
Sep 14 2022nawk-20121220nb1Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
Sep 14 2022mksh-59bnb2MirBSD Korn Shell
Sep 14 2022bootstrap-mk-files-20180901*.mk files for the bootstrap bmake utility
Sep 14 2022install-sh-20100824Install script compatible with the BSD install program
Sep 14 2022cwrappers-20220403pkgsrc compiler wrappers

©1987-2065 SDF Public Access UNIX System, Inc. 501(c)(7)
(this page was generated using ksh, sed and awk)